Who doesn't love a policy or two, and a good old fashioned risk assessment? You'll find them all here
The club constitution is a simple document that outlines the functions and rules under which we operate. Having a constitution helps to clarify how club procedures work. You can view this document in full below.
A risk assessment is the process of identifying what hazards currently exist or may appear, that are likely to cause harm to employees and visitors. Our risk assessment is updated at least annually, or when things change, and the most up to date document is available here.
As part of our risk assessment around safeguarding, there are a couple of areas parents should be aware of. We do not allow gymnastics to leave the gym unaccompanied unless they have consent from a parent/carer. You can give this consent by completing the form linked below.
We do not use photographs of gymnasts for any purpose without prior consent from parents. You can give your consent by completing the form inked below.
Bullying by children or adults on children within Tetbury Gymnastics Club will never be tolerated. All British Gymnastics clubs must put in place a robust anti-bullying policy that ensures that all forms of bullying are taken seriously and responded to appropriately in accordance with British Gymnastics standards. Tetbury Gymnastics Club encourage an environment where independence is celebrated and individuals can flourish without fear.
Spaces at Tetbury Gymnastics Club are highly sought after and therefore we operate a waiting list to ensure those wishing to join have a fair chance of getting a space. The details in the waiting list policy set out how we manage the waiting list.
We take our responsibility in relation to your data seriously, and have a privacy notice that lays out what data we collect and why, and who we manage that information.