Your child has been invited to try out for our competitive squad. Gymnasts invited to join the squad have been selected by our coaching staff due to their natural ability. It is a real achievement to be selected; squad places are available by selection only and are not open to all club members.
The purpose of the competitive squad is to raise the standard of gymnastics at Tetbury Gymnastics Club. Squad gymnasts are members of our team that would represent the club in local competitions. It is important that they want to compete and we ask that you actively encourage them to. The increase in training time would mean that squad members would progress more quickly and move onto more advanced skills.
Training and costs
Squad gymnasts train twice a week at SWR, totalling 5.25 hours. Tuesday evenings 6pm - 8pm and Saturday mornings 8:45-12 noon. The current cost of these sessions are listed on our costs page. These fees are usually payable termly in advance, however arrangements for payment plans can be be made on request by contacting our treasurer.
Squad gymnasts are expected to attend both sessions every week. Poor attendance will result in gymnasts losing their squad status. With the increase in training hours, gymnasts will progress quickly and would soon be left behind if their attendance is poor.
Squad gymnasts will also be required to wear correct gymnastics attire to every session. This is to get the gymnasts used to doing gymnastics in just their leotard, many gymnasts feel self conscious at competitions as they are not allowed to compete in shorts or leggings.
Uniform for training:
Black leotard, full length sleeves
Hair tied back tightly in a bun or plait
No jewellery (studs may be covered by tape if ears are newly pierced)
Please visit our uniform page for more details, and about our preferred supplier. You can access a 10% discount by using the code TG103894 at the checkout.
Uniform for competitions: Competitive leotards and hair scrunchies are provided by the club when needed and must be returned for laundering after each use. Please do not wash them.
Gymnasts will also need to bring hand guards to every session. Gymnasts will be spending a longer period of time on the asymmetric bars. By wearing hand-guards, gymnasts reduce the risk of slipping off or getting blisters. Hand-guards can be easily purchased online for less than £10 and come in a variety of colours and sizes.
Other information
Gymnasts would need to bring a large bottle of water to each session in order to keep hydrated, short drinks breaks will be provided for gymnasts between apparatus changes. Healthy snacks may also be brought on Saturdays.
Please think carefully as to whether you can fulfil all the rules stated above before accepting a space in the competitive squad. Squad places will be reviewed at the end of each term and, if gymnasts are struggling to keep up or have poor attendance, a conversation will be had with the parents of the child to discuss their progress. The result of this discussion may mean a move back to a recreational gym session. We need to ensure that all children are given the support they need in the squad but accept for some the training may be too much or that their skill may not match the requirements of the squad after a period of time.
After their trial session, we will l let you know if the head coach would like to offer you a regular place in the squad group. If your child would like to accept the place then please let the club administrator know as soon as possible to ensure a smooth transition.
Please don't hesitate to ask if there are any questions.