All our members, this includes gymnasts and their parent/carer(s) are expected to abide by our code of conduct. Please ensure you read these and discuss them with your child/ren before they join us.
All members must participate within the rules and respect coaches, judges and officials, and their decisions.
All members must respect fellow club members, and opponents.
Members should keep to agreed timings for training and competitions, or inform the club if they are going to be late or absent.
Members must wear suitable attire/club uniform for training and events as detailed in the club rules.
Members must pay any fees for training or events promptly. All fees shall be paid by the date specified on the invoice. If this is a challenge, then members should speak to the treasurer to agree a payment plan.
Members must hold British Gymnastics membership to participate in TGC sessions. BG membership must be renewed annually. Missing BG membership will result in exclusion from training due to inadequate insurance cover.
No food or drink to be consumed during recreational gymnastics sessions except for bottled water which should be in a plastic bottle with a sports top. No chewing gum is allowed in the gym. All gymnasts should ensure they have a drink with them as the gym can get very hot, especially in the summer.
Members should treat all equipment with respect. No gymnast should use any apparatus without the permission of a coach.
Members must inform the lead coach of any injuries or illness they may have before the warm-up begins. Any required emergency medication e.g. asthma inhalers/epi-pens must be brought to each session.
No photographs of gymnasts should be taken at any time unless with prior permission of the coaches.
Gymnasts must not leave the gym without the permission of a coach and should not wander into any other part of the building. Gymnasts should remain with coaches at the end of the session until collected by their parents, carer or agreed adult.
Gymnasts must be collected promptly after their sessions. If a gymnast is not collected and we are unable to contact the named adult/s, we will contact the relevant authorities.
Gymnasts must not be left at the club until a coach opens the door and invites gymnasts in at the session start time.
Failure to abide by the rules may lead to the club member being suspended.