Our rules are in place for the safety and happiness of our gymnasts, as well as the smooth running of all sessions (which of course benefits the children as well).
Session times
We will confirm your session day and time when you were offered your taster session. Groups within those sessions are organised based on age, ability and experience.
Please ensure you arrive in time for when doors open at your session start time. Gymnasts arriving more than 5 minutes after the session start time will not be admitted as they will have missed the warm up, which is vital to ensuring they are physically ready for the gymnastics activities in the remainder of the session.
Please also ensure you arrive promptly for collection at your session end time.
If you need to change session day and/or time, email us with the request. There may be a wait for the new session, in which case we will follow our waiting list policy.
If we think your gymnast would benefit from a different session, eg an invitation to development or squad, or suggesting they move to the later session, we will email with details. Moving you to the new session will be on agreement by us, the gymnast and the parent/carer.
Payments and refund policy
Our current fees are listed on our costs page. Please check there for the latest costs.
Gymnastic fees are invoiced termly in advance (three times a year).
Payments should be made by bank transfer (details are given on each invoice).
If you cannot pay online please contact the club treasurer as detailed on your invoice.
If you will struggle to pay your invoice in one payment then you can email our treasurer to arrange a payment plan.
Non-payment of fees is a breach of the code of conduct (see attached) and will result in your gymnast’s place being withdrawn.
Credit notes for sessions will be given if TGC have made a cancellation during a term which has already been paid for. This will be used against your next invoice.
We are unable to refund sessions missed due to illness or injury.
We cannot refund any sessions should you choose to leave the club during a term. If you have been paying in installments, your full invoice will remain payable.
In cases of serious illness or injury that may require the gymnast to be absent for longer than four weeks, please contact the club.
British Gymnastics membership
Fees for annual membership of British Gymnastics are compulsory and non-refundable.
British Gymnastics fees are payable directly to British Gymnastics during the affiliation process and on an annual basis going forward.
British Gymnastics membership is compulsory following the taster session. For more information about why this membership is required, visit our BG membership page.
Club uniform Gymnasts are expected to arrive at training ready to start. Gymnasts should:
Wear black leotard, full length sleeves (girls).
Wear black boy’s leotard and shorts (boys).
Have bare feet.
Have hair tied back tightly in a bun or plait if very long or a ponytail if shorter.
Be wearing no jewellery, wristbands, watches, etc. (Stud earrings that are newly pierced may be covered by tape until they can be removed).
Additional clothing may be worn at the discretion of the coach.
No responsibility can be accepted for any loss or damage resulting from failure to comply with club uniform.
Code of conduct Parents/carers and gymnasts are required to read the code of conduct. We are fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all our members. The club believes it is important that members, coaches, volunteers and parents/carers associated with the club should, at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others.
Therefore, members are encouraged to be open at all times and share any concerns or complaints that they may have about any aspect of the club with one of our welfare officers following the grievance procedure.
Privacy policy Tetbury Gymnastics Club takes the privacy of our members very seriously. Please read our privacy notice. Acceptance of membership and payment of fees is taken as acceptance of this notice.